Eposure info around a given position
- ra - Center ra, degrees
- dec - Center dec, degrees
- size - Query size, arcsec
- mode - Output mode
- count returns number of files and total exposure time
- files returns paths to the exposures themselves
- filters - Optional comma-separated list of filters to query
The output is a JSON-formatted dictionary of the exposure overlap information.
Thumbnail cutout from subtiles
- ra - Center ra, degrees
- dec - Center dec, degrees
- size - Query size, arcsec
- output - Output mode
- png gives an image thumbnail
- fits Multi-extension FITS file
- fits_weight Multi-extension FITS file with weights
- filters - comma-separated list of filters to use. RGB filters will be chosen automatically using grizli.pipeline.auto_script.field_rgb. Can be a single filter for a monochromatic cutout
- scl brightness scale factor
- rgb_scl relative scaling of red, green, blue channels
- asinh=True asinh scaling rather than LuptonRGB
- pl=2 Power-law scaling as wavelength**pl
- all_filters=True Also show greyscale cutouts of each filter
- pad=2 Padding between multiple cutouts
- invert invert the output
MOSFIRE extractions
- ra - Target ra, degrees
- dec - Target dec, degrees
- sep - Query radius, arcsec
- mode - Output mode
- count Count spectra
- table Table of spectra info
Stellar PSFs from the COSMOS database
Keyword options
- ra - Target ra, degrees
- dec - Target dec, degrees
- nearest - nearest sources
- query_type - nearest criteria (arcmin,
- filter - Bandpass filter (f606w, f814w, f105w, f125w, f140w, f160w)
- extra_where - Additional query criteria, e.g., "&extra_where= AND f160w_exptime>1000" (with leading space and no quote marks)
- window - Window function to taper edges
- require_source - Require that a source was identified in the image cutout
- use_weights - Use thumbnail weights when making average PSF.
- max_centroid_offset - Maximum centroid offset of identified source to use for average PSF
- max_nsrc - Maximum number of identified sources to consider as valid (e.g., with neighbors)
- recenter - Recenter data cutouts based on source centroids
- subtract_median - Subtract a median from the cutouts
- output - Output type: fits, png
- Target coordinates can also be specified as coords={ra}{delim}{dec} where {delim} is a space or a comma and the {ra} and {dec} can also be specified in HH:MM:SS.S and DD:MM:SS.S format, respectively.